Saturday, March 21, 2009

New Trailer

Pretty happy with this deal for 1800 bucks, pulls like a dream, 4 brakes, LED lights.....
Ready to rock to VIR Baby!!!!


  1. Ha ha. The Focus will fall through the slot in the middle. Better cover that up.

    At least if I break, we can fit both cars on the trailer. LOL

    No really, it looks great, Ken. Who would have thought a year ago you'd be at this point already!

  2. The middle of your trailer is missing.

  3. Thanks guys, Yeah Greg, who would have thunk it....I was totally stock and driving to the track last May for my first event. Now look at the trouble I am in?

    Silly racers, this is a DOUBLE focus trailer :)

    Paul, my plans also include trailering the Cobra to the track the 1320 and then running both the Truck and Cobra...will make for a FUN weekend

  4. Nice looking combination Ken. Any comments on your first tow to VIR with the Lightning and new trailer?

  5. Yeah, the Lightning towed it just fine actually. The worst part for me was getting the L all dirty and that damn VIR gravel everywhere.

    We did get some thumbs up with the combination though, so I guess it looks cool. That said, I would still rather have a diff tow vehicle but will use the L again when needed.
